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Saturday, July 7, 2007

Mastery Exams Almost Over

Well... just 2 more exams left and I can finally lay down again... and why bother reviewing?

No, not really. I'm still gonna review for P.E. and Health... since that's my last chance to get a high result on a mastery exam.. oh well. That's 'coz most of my exams were... well, you get the idea.

In other news... my PS skills seem to be improving. Been making new userbars in my Photoshop CS2. And my Windows XP Pro Student Edition download is almost done. Finally, 570+ MBs of data done. Now all I need is a CD-RW drive(lol)

It's fun playing an old Win95 game... trust me. Try Diablo. It's one of the best, even though old.